June 7, 2018
- Fixed bugs and UI related to tags
- Disable bookmark preview if an image is missing or invalid
- Minor performance improvements
June 5, 2018
- Fixed various small bugs
- Added drag and drop items on tags
- Increased speed of rendering items
May 31, 2018
- Fixes all the bugs from previous versions
- Increased speed of the app: UI and bookmark processing
- Autorecreate preview of image (when changed)
- Additional drag'n'drop
- Import/export moodboards
- Google Chrome extension
Released on October 2, 2017
- Increased the speed of the app
- High Sierra empty window bug fixed
Released on September 19, 2017
- Increased the speed of the app
- Improved app start speed
- Bug fixes
Released on September 5, 2017
- Added the ability to zoom the image
- Increased the speed of the app
- Improved stability and bug fixes
Released on April 10, 2017
- Added the support of tags in the moodboards
- Fixed title display in bookmarks
- Fixed right-click context menu
- Improved stability and bug fixes
Released on February 13, 2017
- IMPORTANT! We recommend you to make a backup of your database before you install this update. To create a backup, you can use the menu item “Create Backup” in menu bar of the app. After installing Collectie 1.2, you can use the “Open Library” in Preferences for opening your database.
- A complete redesign of the app
- Added the ability to starred the moodboards
- Added the powerful editor to the notes
- Added the ability to upload your preview image to bookmarks and refresh content
- Added the ability to select multiple items via Cmd
- Added the support Retina resolutions in screens of images
- Added the ability to hide library in Finder
- Signed with Developer Account of Mac App Store
- Fixed more than 100 different bugs and improved stability
Released on July 27, 2016
- Added the ability to create a backup of the database
- Added the setting window
- Added the ability to move existing library to to any place. It can be Dropbox, Google Drive or another place or cloud storage
- Added confirmation popup when deleting a moodboard
- Added support JPEG format
- Added color fill for images with transparent background
- Fixed a small bug with scroll
- Fixed a bug when you delete bookmark
- Fixed a bug with adding image for moodboard
- Fixed an issue with added multiple images
- Fixed a bug with the long title of bookmark
- Fixed an issue with slow speed of changing the title of bookmark
- Fixed a bug when the long image was blurred
- Fixed a bug when new note was not saved
- Fixed a bug when items are not deleted after you remove the moodboad
- Fixed a bug with autoupdater
- Improved stability and bug fixes
Released on May 26, 2016